बलवैभवशाली देशकालज्ञश्चैव शास्ति भूमिम् इत्थमाह गुरुकुलशिक्षणम् |
तस्मात् वृद्धाश्रमहीनं सदाचारयुक्तं भवेत् भारतमेव आत्मनिर्भरभारतम् |
आपल्या प्राचीन भारताची गुरुकुल शिक्षणपद्धती असे सांगते की त्या-त्या शतकात जगण्यासाठी सर्वात महत्त्वाचे जे असेल, तेच मुलांना प्रामुख्याने शिकवले पाहिजे. या युगात केवळ तोच राज्य करेल जो वैभवशाली, संस्कारक्षम, धनवान आणि शारीरिक सामर्थ्य जोपासणारा असेल! वृद्धाश्रमांना आळा बसेल आणि वाईट प्रवृत्ती संपूष्टात येऊन सद्गुणांनी युक्त अशी मुले तयार होतील.
बुद्धिविकासाय एवं मातृभाषा
Our small yet impactful step from India to a Atmanirbhar Bharat.
Pranit School is more than just a school with an international reach. It’s the very essence of what we do. We believe learning should be motivating and realistic. "Our pedagogy is such that our child not only stands out in the crowd but also appears distinct in uniqueness. it means our child may not be the first in the race, but he will certainly stand out in the race.
For this purpose, the school has crafted a pattern named Pranit Pattern, which Navigating through the pathway of your mother language guided by the fundamental principles of Gurukulam, the destination is a charismatic personality who can stand globally with their entrepreneurial skills and much more..... WITH THE POWER OF OUR MASTER SYLLABUS which includes Research Arts *Business Communities synonymous with delivering excellent education quality. This ensures that our child, as a self-reliant young individual post the tenth grade, will introduce himself to the world as someone capable of pursuing higher education independently. He will be adept at achieving success in any field and will be a superpower in making our country a superpower. As a capable entrepreneur , he will carve out a new identity for himself on the global stage."
At Pranit Vidyalaya, every student is molded with the qualities of PRANIT, a framework designed to instill excellence and prepare students for life beyond the classroom. Our mission is to embed these qualities into each child and empower them to emerge as confident, successful individuals on the global stage.
P: Passionate
Passion is the driving force behind success in today’s highly competitive world. It fuels the desire to excel and provides the motivation needed to overcome challenges. At Pranit Vidyalaya, we instill a deep passion for learning and achievement in every student. This passion ensures that they stay committed to their goals and strive relentlessly for success, even after the 10th grade, in a world where competition is fierce.
R: Realistic
Once students identify realistic dreams, our role is to provide the tools, strategies, and mentorship they need to achieve them. With a structured approach, we guide students toward early success, enabling them to experience the satisfaction of accomplishment and laying the groundwork for lifelong achievement.
In today’s fast-paced and often challenging world, setting realistic goals is essential for mental well-being and long-term success. Unrealistic dreams can lead to frustration, a sense of failure, and, in many cases, self-doubt. When students set unattainable goals, they risk losing confidence and falling into a cycle of disappointment. At Pranit Vidyalaya, we empower our students to set achievable, realistic goals that align with their true potential and capabilities.
By teaching them how to evaluate the feasibility of their dreams, we help them distinguish between what is possible and what is not. This approach allows students to work joyfully and confidently toward their goals, gaining a strong sense of purpose. As they set and achieve these realistic objectives, their self-esteem grows, laying a strong foundation for future success in all aspects of life. At Pranit Vidyalaya, we believe that the power of realistic goal-setting is key to unlocking each student’s full potential.
A: Achievable
Nobility is a core value at Pranit Vidyalaya. In a competitive era, we emphasize the importance of moral integrity, empathy, and ethical conduct. These values shape students into leaders who not only succeed but also contribute positively to society. A noble character ensures a meaningful and fulfilling life, regardless of professional achievements.
I: Innovative
Innovation is the cornerstone of success in the modern entrepreneurial landscape. At Pranit Vidyalaya, we place great emphasis on the power of innovation and equip our students with the tools and mindset needed to think creatively. Through experiential learning and practical applications, students are encouraged to apply innovative thinking in every aspect of life, from small tasks to larger challenges. Our approach fosters the ability to develop creative solutions to real-world problems, preparing students to become not just participants in the future, but pioneers shaping it. With the right strategies and guidance, they are ready to excel in entrepreneurial ventures and beyond, making a meaningful impact in the world.
N: Noble
T: Time bounded
Just as a rocket requires a powerful thrust to launch into space, achieving goals also requires a strong thrust. Reaching goals demands a focused, time-bound approach. Time management is the driving force behind achieving any goal. At Pranit Vidyalaya, we teach our students how to set time-sensitive goals and work towards them with urgency and precision. This time-bound strategy accelerates their journey to success, helping them accomplish their objectives quickly and efficiently. We ensure every student understands the power of effective time management, setting them on the path to achieving their goals at an accelerated pace. We instill the importance of setting deadlines and adhering to them, enabling students to achieve their objectives with speed and precision.